Volume 5 Issue 5
N.B. Golovanova, |
PERSONAL ACCOUNT AS AN ELEMENT OF INFORMATION SYSTEM OF STATISTICS EDUCATION 47 AbstractThe article is devoted to the application of information technology in the organization of modern statistics education. The main trends of modernization of statistical instruments due to the changes in the Russian education system are described. The importance of statistics information system creation and its role in the formation of information resources for state management in the field of education are evaluated. The functions of the Ministry of education and science of the Russian Federation as a subject of official statistical registration are shown. Directions of the development of the organizational and technological component of the information system for statistics education are described. This is directly related to the implementation of more advanced technical means for gathering, processing and transfer of data, increase of the automation level for solving statistical tasks, in particular, the introduction of information system elements such as personal account. The appropriateness of the hierarchical approach in the construction of the statistical information system of education is proven. The conceptual basis for the creation of personal accounts is characterized. It is based on the hierarchical structure of the Russian education system and fully provides the solution of the problem of transfer to item-by-item statistics. The author defines the functions of private accounts with consideration for the status of each participant of the information system and presents brief characteristics of technologies for gathering statistical information using the personal account. Keywords: information resources, information system, federal statistical observation, education system, personal account, functions of personal accounts. |
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B.A. Zaikin |
LINEAR FILTERING OF OUTPUT DATA OF A SINGLE-POSITION SECURITY SYSTEM 21 AbstractObtaining an estimation of the filtering quality of a single-position security system is described in the paper. A general description of problems of estimation of filtering quality in the system is presented in the introduction. A geometric construction of a single-position security system, its mathematical description and formulas of Markov sequence that describes the motion of an object under observation are given. Descriptions of the processes of estimation with the use of α-β filtering, Wiener filtering, Kalman filtering for the system are presented. A definition of estimation describes criteria for the quality of filtering process, parameters for modeling the system and the results of the modeling. The suggested criteria for the quality of filtering process include average, variance and standard deviation of filtering errors and interval between the true and filtering values. Initial values for the modeling and the results of the modeling are presented. In conclusion, the filtering improves with increasing spectral width of probing signal and signal/noise ratio. However, Kalman filtering is most effective. Keywords: linear filtering, Kalman filter, Wiener filter, α-β filter, estimating the quality of filtering, security system. |
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S.V. Pasechnik, |
METHOD OF DECAYING FLOW IN RHEOLOGY OF POLYMERIC POROUS FILMS FILLED BY LIQUID CRYSTALS 32 AbstractThe rheological properties of nematic liquid crystals (NLC) – a two-component mixture of 2/3 parts of p-n-butyl-p-methoxyazoxybenzene and 1/3 parts of p-n-butyl-p-heptanoylazoxybenzene (ZhK-440, NIOPIK) and 4-cyano-4'-pentylbiphenyl (5CB, Merck) filling a porous polymer (PET) matrix with submicron pore diameters are studied. The experiments were fulfilled using the decaying Poiseuille flow arising in a polymer porous film of 23 μm thickness under the action of hydrostatic pressure gradient decreasing with time. In this case a polymer matrix can be considered as a number of cylindrical capillaries connected by a parallel schema. It results in an essential decrease in the hydrodynamic resistance of the system in comparison with the resistance of each capillary. The Newtonian nature of the flow was established, and the effective shear viscosities of NLC for different temperatures were determined. An analysis of the experimental data was carried out taking into account the effect of weak surface anchoring on the orientational structure of the liquid crystals. The data obtained can be used to calculate the technical characteristics of liquid crystal photonic devices. Keywords: nematic liquid crystal, porous film, anisotropic shear viscosities, Poiseuille flow. |
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I.A. Dzhemesyuk, |
Abstract The article examines the relaxation processes that occur in an elastic solid medium when it is heated and cooled, especially their influence on the temperature field. Besides, we considered in this paper the heat equation of parabolic type arising in the theory of thermal conductivity for different modes of heating the border. We present a solution of the boundary value problem of nonstationary heat conduction for an infinite plate with the following regimes of loading the boundaries: a single slow temperature change at the border, a single instantaneous temperature variation at the border, and, finally, multiple instantaneous changes of temperature at the border. In order to solve these three heat problems, they were brought to a dimensionless form. Then the operational calculus method was applied. The essence of the method consists in the following. According to the obtained analytical solutions three-dimensional graphics characterizing the relaxations processes were built in the computer algebra system Wolfram Mathematica for different ranges of the Fourier criterion. Keywords: relaxation time, mathematical modeling, dimensionless variables, integral Laplace transform. |
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V.D. Karlov |
NEW FUNCTIONAL RELATIONS FOR LINEAR RHEOLOGICAL MODELS OF MAXWELL AND KELVIN-VOIGT 14 AbstractThe article proposes new functional relationships for deformations and stresses within the framework of the linear rheological Maxwell and Kelvin-Vogt models. The relations obtained are valid for the entire time interval, which allows one to consider numerous special cases of creep and relaxation tension, in particular the following practical regimes: constant tension, constant deformation, constant strain rate. In calculations, the Heaviside step function, the Dirac delta function, and the solution of the Cauchy problem proposed by E.M. Kartashov were used. Using of generalized functions allows us to consider more complex three-element models, for example, with two springs and one damper and vice versa. At the same time, the principal aspect of the approach does not change, the mathematical calculations are practically not complicated. The proposed relations can be used in rheology as a generalizing form of the record containing known special cases. This work presents a methodological interest for the departments of polymeric profile. Keywords: relaxation, creep, tension, deformation, polymers, Maxwell model, Kelvin- Voigt model, Cauchy problem, elasticity, viscosity, differential equations. |
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S.E. Pastukhova, |
Abstract The Cauchy problem for a linear second order parabolic equation with 1-periodic measurable coefficients is considered Rd, d ≥ 2. The problem models diffusion in a nonhomogeneous periodic medium. The appropriate diffusion operator A is self-adjoint in L2 (Rd). The large-time behaviour of the solution of the Cauchy problem is of main interest for us. To this end, we study first of all the fundamental solution, in other words, the kernel of the exponential exp(-tA), more exactly, its large-time asymptotics. Its approximation is found with integral error estimate of order O(t-1), as time t tends to +∞. To construct this approximation and carry out its justification we use (i) the known fundamental solution to the homogenized diffusion equation (having constant coefficients); (ii) solutions of so-called auxiliary problems on a periodicity cell, which are formulated in a recurrent way. We substantiate this approximation under additional regularity condition on the diffusion matrix a(x): it should be Lipschitz continuous. The results of asymptotic behaviour of the fundamental solution are applied to obtain an approximation of order O(t-1) for the exponential exp(-tA) in operator Lp-norms, on the section t=const as t tends to +∞. There are also some corollaries of these results to operator estimates for a similar exponential exp(-tAε), Aε being a diffusion operator with quickly oscillating ε-periodic coefficients, as tends to zero. This exponential corresponds to the Cauchy problem: modelling diffusion in a strongly nonhomogeneous ε-periodic medium. Here ε is a small parameter. We construct approximations of order O(ε2) for the exponential exp(-tAε) in operator Lp – norm on the section t=const for arbitrary finite fixed t (say, t=1). This approximation is a sum of the exponential exp(-tA0) with a homogenized operator A0 and some correcting operator. The results have a broad range of applications, e.g., for computing heat flow in a periodic composite medium with a small periodicity cell or for bacterial density estimation in a periodic culture medium. Keywords: diffusion equation, effective diffusion, homogenized operator, fundamental solution, cell problems, large-time asymptotic, homogenization estimates in Lebesgue norms. |
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E.V. Bodrova, |
Abstract On the basis of the analysis of scientific literature, published and previously unpublished documents studied by the authors in the Russian state archive of economy, the Russian state archive of contemporary history, the State archive of the Russian Federation, a study of the problem of the evolution of the state scientific-technical policy of the USSR during the "thaw" was carried out. An attempt was made to identify the factors that determined the technological breakthroughs and the causes that impeded the modernization process. It is concluded that due to the powerful scientific and technical potential and, in general, correct selection of priorities in the development of science and technology, social optimism, the Soviet Union managed to successfully overcome the first stage of the scientific-technological revolution. However, the integration of science and production was hampered by the departmental approach, the shortcomings of the planning system with its strict regulation and centralism focused primarily on production volumes and not on the introduction of new technology, modernization of production. The volume of production was achieved mainly due to the construction of many thousands of large plants and factories. Moreover, large machine-building complexes with auxiliary production characterized by low economic efficiency were created. Automation in most industries covered individual, unrelated units and processes. Remote management and remote control of production were sparsely implemented in the industry. In the civilian sectors, the experience of the military-industrial complex in the sphere of ensuring the integration of production and science was not fully used. Keywords: scientific-technical policy, invention, implementation, upgrading. |
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S.M. Sukhorukova, |
BIOSPHERIC APPROACH TO THE THEORY OF ECONOMIC GROWTH 31 AbstractWhen implementing the industrial production of technical and technological achievements for economic growth it is necessary to take into account the system integrity of the biosphere as a natural organism. In the conditions of international cooperation, when determining the volume of production and its placement, the authors propose to use the institution of environmental and economic sovereignty. According to the institution every country can shape the politics of economic growth corresponding to their socio-ecological and economic interests, but considering the limits of the biosphere sustainability. This will ensure the preservation of local ecosystems, reduce the global environmental and economic costs of production and provide natural conditions for economic growth for all countries of the world community. In relation to theories of “green growth” it is suggested that it is necessary to develop technologies initially meeting the principle of “co-evolution of the society and nature”. Taking into account the start of economy cosmization, for long-term preservation of conditions for economic growth the authors propose to consider the biosphere as a component of space-natural system that will require a transition from anthropocentrism to anthropocosmic worldview. Keywords: the theory of economic growth, natural and economic sovereignty, green economy, «the coevolution of nature and society». |
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