Author Guide

Peer-reviewed scientific periodical Russian technological journal is published 6 times a year and present original experimental and theoretical work in the form of full papers, short communications, as well as author reviews and forecasting and analytical articles on the following topics:
  • Information systems. Computer science. Problems of information security.
  • Robotic complexes and systems. remote sensing of non-destructive testing technologies.
  • Modern radio and telecommunication systems.
  • Micro - and nanoelectronics. Condensed Matter Physics.
  • Analytical instrumentation and technology.
  • Mathematic Modeling
  • The economy of high-tech enterprises and industries.
  • Ideological bases of technology and society.

Materials may be send in Russian or English and will published in the original language. All articles are accepted for publication based on the results of their review. Articles that do not meet the journal's profile or do not meet his demands are rejected without review by the Editorial Board. The article may be send in MS-Word file formats.

The recommended amount of: Articles - 10-15 pages A4; Review - 30-35 A4 pages; typed font Times New Roman 12, 1.5 spacing (along with tables and references).

To the Editor, you must also submit:
  • an expert opinion;
  • a cover letter from the organization where the work was done;
  • full agreement on the transfer of the right to use the work (two original copies).

The document should be prepared in Microsoft Word and saved in doc or rtf format. The text should be typed with 1.5 line spacing, font size 12 Times New Roman, margins of 2 cm on all sides. The numbering of pages and applications through the text should be continuous.

The title page should contain:
  • the article title (Arial 14, bold, in capital letters);
  • the initials and surnames of the authors (Times New Roman 14, bold);
  • the full name of the organization where the authors work (Times New Roman 11, italic) with indication of the city, zip code and country; authors from different organizations should be marked with asterisks;
  • e-mail of the corresponding author (Times New Roman 10, italic);
  • abstract (Arial 9, italic), which should adequately represent the content and results of the article;
  • key words (Arial 9, italic), 5-8 words and combination).

For authors is recommended the following structure of the text:
  • a summary of the status of the issue and the statement of the problem to be solved in the article;
  • the method of solving the problem and the assumptions made;
  • the main content of the article (for example: the description of the essence of processes and phenomena; the evidence presented in this paper provisions, initial and final mathematical expressions, mathematical calculations and transformations, experiments and calculations, examples, illustrations);
  • discussion of the results and a comparison with the prior art;
  • conclusions and recommendations.

References may be placed at the end of the article, and shall be in accordance with the following requirements. Quoted literature is numbered in order of appearance in the text, the order reference number in square brackets. References should be generated manually, without using the "List".
The references to cited literature should be indicated for the magazine: authors' names, initials, title of the journal, year, volume, number of pages and out; for books: authors' names, initials, name, place of publication (city), publisher name, year, the total number of pages; it is not recommended to refer to the abstracts and dissertations.

Example of reference:
  1. Белкин М.Е., Сигов А.С. Новое направление фотоники – сверхвысокочастотная оптоэлектроника // Радиотехника и электроника. 2009. Т. 54. № 8. С. 901–914.
  2. Cosijns S.J.A.G. Displacement laser interferometry with sub-nanometer uncertainty. Eindhoven: Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, 2004. 189 p.

On a separate page, must be specified the surname, first name, telephone number of the author, with whom to negotiate on the issue of the publication.

When selecting units it is recommended to adhere to the international system of units.
Used to reduce paper should be deciphered at the first mention in the text (except for common abbreviations).
It avoids duplication of data in the text, tables and figures.
All formulas are drawn in the built-in Microsoft Office Word equation editor; left alignment page. Numbers of formulas are put right.
Tables must have titles and serial numbers that are referenced in the text. Only the required digital data is included in the table. The table must not go beyond the working field.

The figures are placed within the working area directly in the text of the article on the basis of presentation logic. You can use pictures in JPEG, PNG, WMF, EPS, TIF.

As used in the text of the scanned image must have a resolution of 300 dpi.

Drawings and photos should be sharp image. Drawings can include short digital or letter symbols (numbered from left to right, or clockwise) scored the corresponding rest of the text font (size not less than 9 and not more than 11). If you want to decrypt the details on the figure given by their numbers, all the explanations relating to details, are placed below the image in the caption. All figures must be numbered in the text must necessarily be a link to the picture. All articles submitted to the editors are peer reviewed. (The authors are not informed about the names of reviewers.) Articles accepted for publication are carefully edited. Small stylistic or formal corrections are made in the article without agreement with the authors. If the reviewing or editing results in more serious corrections, the article is sent to the authors for follow-up revision. The authors should make all corrections in the text that are necessary from their point of view, as well as comment all the remarks in a reply letter to the editors. The improved manuscript should be returned to the editors as soon as possible (not more than 10 working days) along with the previous version of the article and the final electronic version.

Submitting an article for publication means that the authors agree with these rules.

Editorial office address:
119571, pr. Vernadskogo, 86, of. L-119, Moscow, Russia
Phone: +7 (495) 246-05-55 (#2-88) E-mail: